Thursday, July 30, 2009

from the Sunday bulletin

Every Sunday we have a place in the worship order for an affirmation of faith. Sometimes we use the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith. Other occassions we have used the church covenant, which has its origins in the Congregational church. Most of the time we use something suggested by Homiletics or I have written it myself, according to the scripture and theme of the sermon.

This past Sunday we read words suggested by the Homiletics website but they were written by a group at a Mennonite seminary:

We believe in God
whose love is the source of all life and the desire of our lives,
whose love was given a human face in Jesus of Nazareth,
whose love was crucified by the evil that waits to enslave us all
and whose love, defeating even death,
is our glorious promise of freedom.
Therefore, though we are sometimes fearful
and full of doubt,
in God we trust;
and in the name of Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves in the service of others,
to seek justice
and to live in peace,
to care for the earth
and to share the commonwealth of God's goodness,
to live in the freedom of forgiveness and the power of the spirit of love,
and in the company of the faithful
so to be the church for the glory of God.

-From a morning prayer liturgy at Eastern Mennonite Seminary

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